Goodness Boutique

Feb 22, 2010

Goodness Boutique was at the ErikBright’s Lokee Worldwide Gifting Suite.  Vanessa Layug and Malcom Goodwin are the designers of this line.  Below, Vanessa is wearing her ‘Hello my name is Goodness’ shirt.  Her line is made from all-natural cottons and her T-shirts are inspired by a prep school located in Los Angeles County, Immaculate Heart.  Vanessa attended this Catholic school and made her shirts to represent her experience there.  Vanessa and Malcom Goodwin felt that everyone looks good in uniforms, so they made their clothing line represent that sexy look without having to wear the stiff uniform itself.  Her shirts have little pink prep school ties, and little emblems of ‘Goodness.’ The line has men’s and women’s fashions.  The name, Goodness is a combination of both Goodwin and Vanessa’s first names.  The line can be found at and at La Maison de Fashion off Melrose Avenue in Los Angeles.

—Mary Showstark